Author name: Kathiann M. Kowalski

Earth Science Fighting the Climate Crisis Grade 9-10


Flattened homes. Crumpled cars. Broken trees . Emergency shelters filled with shaken, distraught victims. This was what the Abaco Islands of the Bahamas looked like in the days after Hurricane Dorian struck in September 2019. “Everything is gone,” survivor Robert Cornea told CBS news . He and his wife had lived on the islands for more than fifty years. They lost everything they owned in the storm but escaped with their lives . Many others didn’t. Officially, seve nty people died , b ut some estimate that the actual number was in the hundreds. “People lost family members, they watched people slip away right out of their arms into the water,” June Russell, a fishing guide who lives in the Bahamas, told NBC news.

预测风暴——气旋与反气旋的科学研究和历史 Continue reading »

Astronomy and Space Science Exploring Space and Beyond Grade 6-8


Do you want to visit Mars? Someday, you may get a chance. Several countries and companies have plans for crewed missions to Mars. Elon Musk, a famous inventor and founder of the company SpaceX, is planning one of those missions for 2026. But he has even bigger visions. In a 2021 speech, he said that he wants to “build a city on Mars to become a spacefaring civilization, a multi-planet species. ”

在火星上开创制造业 Continue reading »

Exploring the Science of Nutrition Grade 6-8 Medicine and Health


“One bug burger, please,” you say. “With lettuce and tomato.” Your meal tastes a lot like a hamburger made from beef. But the patty contains ground up mealworms, which are even more nutritious. The pale green bun was baked with algae instead of flour. And the lettuce and tomato are special varieties created to thrive inside vertical farms. You might be saying “eww” now, but twenty or fifty years from now, you could be saying “yum” instead. In the future, bugs and algae and genetically modified foods might seem normal and delicious, not gross or weird.

未来的食物 Continue reading »

Exploring Plants and Animals Grade 6-8 Life Science


Next time you step outside, take a moment to notice all the plants. You may see a grassy lawn, weeds poking through the sidewalk, towering trees, moss growing on rocks or bricks, or maybe even a vegetable or flower garden. Now let this thought sink in: without plants, you and all the other human beings and animals on this planet couldn’t survive. We depend on plants for the air we breathe. But the relationship goes much deeper than that. We also rely on plants for food, clothing, medicines, materials, and so much more.

植物如何影响人类发展 Continue reading »

Appreciating Art and Aesthetics Art and Literature Grade 6-8


Just as you can write the history of the world using the biographies of the famous men and women who changed it (Confucius, Alexander the Great, Queen Elizabeth, Winston Churchill, etc.), you can tell the story of humankind by going from one great cultural center to another. Certain cities at certain moments have defined the course of the arts . Consider Xi’an in the Tang dynasty, Florence and Amsterdam in the Renaissance, London in the time of Shakespeare, or Vienna during the era of Mozart, Haydn, and Beethoven. In exactly this way, Paris during the Jazz Age was one of the most fun and one of the most important cities in the history of art, music, literature, and fashion.

爵士乐时代 Continue reading »

Applied Science Revolutionizing Future Transportation


At the end of the story Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl, the eccentric inventor and candy – maker Willy Wonka takes young Charlie Bucket into a glass contraption that he calls a Wonkavator. It bursts through the roof of the factory and flies them out over the city. Willy Wonka says, An elevator can only go up and down, but the Wonkavator can go sideways, and slantways, and longways, and backways, and squareways, and frontways, and any other ways that you can think of.

大楼内的新型运载工具 Continue reading »

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