Author name: Kathryn Hulick

Connecting People and the Environment Grade 6-8 Social Science Uncategorized


Wild nature seems to be the opposite of a human city. In nature, curvy and messy lines dominate, while in a city, most lines are straight and neat. In nature, the weather changes from rain to heat to cold, while in a city, roofs and heating and cooling systems keep people comfortable. In nature, growth happens chaotically, while in a city, growth is planned and controlled. In a city, people often pave over nature or fence it in. They tame it to the point that it may be hard to notice. But nature is always there. In fact, it is essential.

生态城市 Continue reading »

Connecting People and the Environment Grade 6-8 Social Science Uncategorized


When you think of a city, you probably think of busy streets and towering skyscrapers . But the city doesn’t just reach up into the sky. It also extends down below the earth. Hidden beneath buildings and roads, a complex network of wires and pipes brings residents electricity, water, and gas and also removes their waste. Underground tunnels house subway systems, storage rooms, or other structures. In many cities, space above ground is so precious and crowded that engineers are finding new, creative ways to use underground space. Singapore is one of those cities. Here, the underground is already used for many purposes, and the city government is looking into ways to build even more underground structures. “You can build up, but there is a limit,” said John Keung when he was CEO of Singapore’s Building and Construction Authority. “The only thing left is to go underground.”

城市的地下 Continue reading »

Applied Science Grade 11-12 Uncategorized Understanding Computer Science


Airplanes couldn’t take off. Ships and trucks couldn’t deliver products. Factories stopped running. Hospitals had to turn away patients. It was June 27, 2017, and an invisible enemy was attacking businesses around the world. That enemy was a computer virus. Security experts named it NotPetya because at first it seemed similar to a 2016 virus named Petya. But it was much worse than Petya. “It was the worst cyberattack ever,” says Craig Williams, a cybersecurity expert at Cisco in Austin, Texas.

虚拟的攻击,真实的威胁 Continue reading »

Applied Science Grade 11-12 Understanding Computer Science

互联网进入Web 3.0时代

A teenage girl wanders into her kitchen one morning. The lights come on automatically as she enters the room and her favorite music begins to play, thanks to the Internet of the future. Invisibly, it follows her every move, anticipating what she will want and need. It accesses the smart watch the girl is wearing, gathering data about her current health including body weight, heart rate, bowel movements, and how much she has exercised and slept lately. It combines this data with knowledge about how various foods have affected the health of everyone else using the Internet and smart watches. Then it speaks through the watch with the voice of a friendly virtual assistant, suggesting yogurt with granola, a healthy and enjoyable breakfast.

互联网进入Web 3.0时代 Continue reading »

Grade 6-8 Medicine and Health Transforming Health with Medicine


Compared to eukaryotic cells, bacteria may seem much smaller and simpler—yet, their way of living provides insights into fundamental metabolic processes that have implications far greater than their size suggests. While the vast majority of bacteria that cluster in the human body are necessary for our existence and survival, certain types of bacteria are disease-causing organisms, or pathogens, and pose a danger to humans due to their ability to infect our cells.

细菌 Continue reading »

Astronomy and Space Science Grade 6-8 Imagining Life Beyond Earth


A car drives along an empty stretch of highway late one night in the mountains of New Hampshire, USA. Out of nowhere, a bright light appears. Could it be a falling star? It is September 19, 1961, and Betty and Barney Hill are on their way home from vacation in Montréal, Canada. Strangely, the bright light seems to follow them. Then the car starts to vibrate and the Hills hear strange buzzing and beeping sounds. A feeling of drowsiness washes over them.

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