Author name: Kathryn Hulick

Grade 6-8 Learning Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry Physics and Chemistry

How to stand out in a science competition

Welcome to the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF), the world’s largest science competition for high school students. Out of the tens of millions of students who enter science fairs around the world each year, just 1,800 qualify to participate in this one.

How to stand out in a science competition Continue reading »

Grade 6-8 Medicine and Health Transforming Health with Medicine

Rebuilding the Body: The Future of Brain-Controlled Prosthetics

As a teenager, Hugh Herr got lost during a blizzard on a mountain. He surived the ordeal but was gravely injured. “Both of my legs were amputated just below the knee due to tissue damage from frostbite,” he explained in a 2020 talk. As he adjusted to his new body, he said, “I began to imagine a world with such advanced technology that disability is no more.”

Rebuilding the Body: The Future of Brain-Controlled Prosthetics Continue reading »

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